Piriformis Syndrome

The piriformis is a muscle that is behind the hip jointin the buttocks. The piriformis muscule is small compared to around the hip joint. When people are diagnosed with piriformis syndrome, it is thought that the piriformis tendon may be tathering the sciatic nerve, and causing an irritation to the nerve.

Common signs and symptoms experienced by people who have been diagnosed with piriformis syndrome include:
• Pain behind the hip in the buttocks
• Electric shock pains traveling down the back of the lower extremity
• Numbness in the lower extremity
• Tenderness with pressure on the piriformis muscle

The pain can also be caused by prolonged external rotation of the hip so that the piriformis muscle is shortened. If the sciatic nerve is compressed for an long time there may be aching in the leg and pain in the low back.

We can help you at Rainbow Arokayal Holistic Longevity Clinic

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