They can be divided into 10 groups as follows

1. Digestion

“Acemane” promotes digestive function very well. Youcan notice your stool becomes normanlly yellow and softer with more water absorbed within. Acid- alkaline indication (pH) in your bowels increases and it heals flatulence.

Protein can be digested better; so potassium salt called “indicant” in you urine will be reduced. Due to its high anti-inflammatory properties, “acemane” decreases the inflammation and swelling of bowels. It helps reduce intestinal gas. I help heal ulcers, the twisting of bowels, acid reflux, and chronic fatigue.

2. Detoxification

Due to so many nutrients in “Acemane” as cell food including the property of enhancing immunity, your whole body will be strong enough for natural detoxification by itself.

3. Healing of wounds, cuts and ulcers

From the research, aloe vera speeds wound healing by as much as 35% with its properties of inflammation and cell regeneration. Moreover, it can enlarge capillaries to let blood flow around the wounds or cuts more comfortably for healing them. And it works very well for diabetic wounds. So do not only drink “Acemane,” but also apply it to the wounds till they are dry and no longer inflammatory. That helps reduce the risk of removing body parts or organs in a medical operation to prevent the extending of the wound. It can be also used for dermatitis and insect bites when applied externally.

4. Healing of rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis

There are 4 natural sterols from aloe vera in “Acemane” taking action like steroid but safer because of no side effects. And “Acemane” also has salicylic acid in natural form that can reduce pain and inflammation like aspirin with no side effects that helps reduce pain, stiffness and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis to a great extent.

5. Hypertension, diabetes and renal failure

Drinking “Acemane” regularly helps reduce cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid in blood vessels. That’s the easy way to control blood pressure to the normal level. “Acemane” promotes the strength of pancreas and kidneys. Therefore, the blood sugar level will be regulated. So that’s how to avoid the risk of renal failure.

In 2000, British Medical Journal published the article about aloe vera and claimed the extract of it can help reduce cholesterol, control blood pressure, increase blood circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease as well.

Furthermore, in 1996, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Medicine at Mahidol University in Thailand investigated the effect of oral administration of Aloe vera juice, twice a day for at least 2 weeks in patients with diabetes. Blood sugar and triglyceride levels in the treated group fell. The results suggest the potential of aloe vera juice for use as an antidiabetic agent.

6. Anti-bacteria, anti-virus and anti-fungus

“Acemane” helps the body protect against any germs with higher properties than any other antibiotics. Because “Acemane” attacks directly the dangerous germs only, but not useful microorganism.

7. Anti-cancer

Aloe vera in “Acemane” contains high levels of anti-carcinogenic properties that hinder the growth of tumors.

As Dr.Ivan E. Danhof indicated in his report, one of the common experimental cancer models is sarcoma-180. When Aloe was administered to mice bearing S-180 tumors, the tumor growth was inhibited. (Soeda, 1969; Suzuki, 1979) Similarly, Alexin B, a specific molecule species derived from Aloe, was shown to possess anti-cancer activity against lymphocytic leukemia. (Suzuki, 1979a) Additional investigations revealed that another molecular species derived from Aloe, Aloctin-A, had anti-tumor activity, but the action was to bolsster the immune system rather than a direct anti-tumor activity.(Imanishi et al, 1981)

Aloe vera helps the immune system block the growth of tumors and cancers. It work well for liver cancer and leukemia. And Okinawa University reported aloe vera could help prevent lung cancer of smokers, and leukemia.

8. Enhancing immunity

Drinking “Acemane” regularly is the best way to replenish the amino acid deficiency in your body. Due to its high vitamin content, aloe vera boosts your body’s immune system and self-defense mechanism. Especially, acemannan, the polysaccharide found in aloe vera of “Acemane,” stimulates the function of lymph glands to protect the body against any invading germs.

In addition to lecithin in aloe vera of “Acemane,” your body will be boosted to regenerate strong and perfect cells of immunity to get rid of dangerous bacteria and tumors.

9. Nourishing skin for rejuvenation

When aloe vera leaf peel is destroyed, the tree will release the polysaccharide called acemannan to protect and repair its wound immediately. Acemannan can be absorbed deeply into the seventh layer of human skin to bring about moisture and softness.

10. Healing burns and thermal wounds

Applying aloe vera to burns or thermal wounds helps relieve pain efficiently. Repeat it regularly, burns or thermal wounds will be completely healed very fast with no scars.

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